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PowerPoint Tip: Repeat Formatting

Kathy, of Phoenix asks, "I work with PowerPoint and seem to create the same effects to multiple graphics. This can be time consuming. Is there a quicker way to do this?"

PowerPoint is a powerful presentation software that is used in business as well as schools these days. But, I've seen many trainees over the years spending a few extra steps adding the same formatting to multiple objects.

The easiest way to repeat formatting on multiple objects is to use the "F4" Key.

To do this, follow these steps.

Select the first object and add any formatting you want.

Select the next object and press the "F4" Key. The second object now has the same formatting applied.

Continue using the "F4" Key as needed. As you can see, this can make formatting multiple objects a bit faster and easier. It's that simple.

There are a few other formatting shortcuts that can help make your PowerPoint life easier.

Try these shortcut keys with graphics.

  • SHIFT + Right Arrow = Enlarges the selected shape horizontally.

  • SHIFT + Left Arrow = Reduces the selected shape horizontally.

  • SHIFT + UP Arrow = Enlarges the selected shape vertically.

  • SHIFT + DOWN Arrow = Reduces the selected shape vertically.

  • ALT + Right Arrow = Rotates the selected shape to the right.

  • ALT + Left Arrow = Rotates the selected shape to the left.

Whether you're formatting objects or editing shape sizes; these shortcuts can help speed up the process.


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