Outlook 2007 and 2010 offer options when it comes to Calendar details.
While in the "Month" view, the Calendar Detail View provides options for "Low," "Medium," or "High" level of details.
When in the Calendar View, you will see the options listed just above the Calendar by the day options.
Simply select whichever option you prefer and the Calendar changes accordingly. The "High" option provides the most detail.
Most appointments show 3 or 4 lines of text, depending on how much the user has input into the appointment.
The "Medium" option provides less detail. "Medium" shows a line item for the appointment, but shows no details.
The "Low" option provides the least detail. "Low" only shows "All Day" appointments.
Users with full calendars may benefit from these new options. Users that have more than 3 or 4 appointments per day may not see all of the appointments when using the "High" option, which is the default view.
Viewing a fewer number of days in one view allows for more appointments to be seen.
Using a combination of these view options provides users to personalize Outlook to best suit their needs.
See the slideshow to the left to view screenshots of Outlook's different view options.
Change Calendar Detail View options and Outlook may become your best friend, if it isn't already.
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